The Five Observables

When Luis Elizondo ran a small team at the U.S. Department of Defense investigating military-based reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), he heard numerous such accounts from some of the most highly trained aeronautic experts in the military. “Five Observables” is a term he coined to describe the extraordinary traits demonstrated by UAP/UFOs.

They are:

  • Anti-gravity lift: Unlike any known aircraft, these objects have been sighted overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. They also lack any flight surfaces, such as wings.. This may be a form of anti-gravity that is yet to be discovered by humans.
  • Instant acceleration: The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces—they would be crushed. In the Nimitz incident, radar operators say they tracked one of the UFOs as it dropped from the sky at more than 30 times the speed of sound.
  • Hypersonic speed without signatures: If an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, it typically leaves “signatures,” like vapor trails and sonic booms. Many UFO accounts note the lack of such evidence.
  • Low observability: UFOs seem to have the ability to avoid detection, cloaking themselves from radar and visual instruments. When they are detected, they sometimes disappear without warning.
  • Trans-medium travel: Some UFOs seem to travel effortlessly between space, air, and water. That means they can withstand a huge range of pressure, from the high pressure of the ocean to the low (almost nonexistent) pressure of space—and they can maneuver through all three mediums.
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